27 Jun 2018

Find out your financial personality here...

Find out your financial personality here...

What sort of financial personality are you?

Eight different types have been identified by HSBC UK bank - each with different attitudes and characteristics for managing money.

They are:

  • Driven achiever
  • Budget guru
  • Self-sufficient spender
  • Skilled saver
  • Trend spender
  • Sensible sage
  • Spontaneous spender
  • Controlled saver

Becky Moffat, of HSBC UK, said: "Britons are notoriously reluctant to talk about money and this can impact our financial behaviour. 

"Forty five per cent only check their main bank account once a week or less, and one in 10 only check it once a month.

“We want to encourage Great Britain to start thinking about how their financial personality could affect how you manage money."

HSBC said research found most people are a 'trend spender’, who tend to be ruled by their heart and aren’t scared to stretch their finances to maintain their lifestyle.  

London over-indexes on those who are a ‘driven achiever’ compared to the national average. These are people who spend time doing their research, allowing them to make savvy decisions and are comfortable pushing their financial boundaries if they think there’s going to be a pay-off.  

Millennials are most likely to be a 'sensible sage'. They tend to be very considered and they see no point in getting into debt unless they can pay it off in full every month. 

HSBC says a 'budget guru' has financial discipline which is the envy of their friends, balancing the books to come in on budget.

A 'self-sufficient spender' is a confident multi-tasker who knows what they want, while a 'skilled saver' keeps a tight rein on their finances.

Meanwhile, a 'spontaneous spender' is always trying new things and has new ideas, while a 'controlled saver' is in total control when it comes to finances.

If you want to check out your own financial personality, you can try out HSBC's bank-life balance quiz by clicking here.

How we can help manage your money

Whether you want to buy a property, secure an income for retirement, pay for your children's education, provide for dependents or pass your estate to your family, we can provide you with a high-quality service which is tailored to your lifestyle.

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