12 Apr 2024

How to choose the perfect paint colour for every room

How to choose the perfect paint colour for every room

Are you staring at those blank walls, wondering what colour will breathe life into your space? Choosing the right paint colour can feel like a daunting task, but with guidance and creativity, you can transform your rooms into vibrant havens that reflect your personality and style.

Before cracking open that tin of paint, take a good look at your existing furniture. Your sofa, chairs, and tables can serve as a palette from which to draw inspiration. Consider hues that complement or contrast with your furnishings, ensuring a cohesive and visually appealing space.

The direction of sunlight can dramatically alter the appearance of paint colours. Rooms bathed in south-facing sunlight may benefit from cooler tones to balance the warmth, while northern-facing spaces might crave richer, warmer hues for cosiness.

Think about when you'll be using the room most frequently. Will it be a sunlit sanctuary during the day, or a cosy retreat illuminated by artificial light in the evening? Tailor your colour choice to suit the room's primary function and lighting conditions. Harness the psychological effects of colour to evoke the desired atmosphere. Blues and greens are renowned for their calming properties, making them ideal candidates for spaces where relaxation and focus are paramount, such as the living room or home office.

Look inward for colour inspiration. What colours resonate with you? Explore your wardrobe or favourite furniture pieces for cues on hues that reflect your personal taste and style. Once you've found a colour you love, consider whether a cool or warm tone better suits your space and vibe. Experiment with different shades and undertones to refine your selection until it feels just right. Neutrals are your best friend when it comes to creating versatile and timeless spaces. Find the perfect white or off-white paint that complements your chosen colour scheme and serves as a blank canvas for decor and accents.


Colour palette inspiration

Living Room

For a versatile and inviting space, consider hues like soothing blues, elegant blacks, calming greys, or timeless whites/creams. These colours provide a neutral backdrop for timeless pieces and allow flexibility for seasonal updates.


Transform your bathroom into a serene oasis with calming colours like soft blues, pale greens, or gentle greys. These colours evoke a sense of tranquillity and relaxation, perfect for unwinding after a long day.


As the heart of the home, the kitchen deserves a colour palette that exudes warmth and hospitality. Go for clean whites or off-whites to enhance brightness and create a sense of cleanliness. Mid-tone blues, greens, or warm earthy tones can also add character and cosiness.

Home office

Create a productive and inspiring workspace with sophisticated colour choices, such as deep blues or rich greens to promote focus and creativity. These hues are known for their ability to stimulate the mind and encourage productivity.

Choosing the perfect paint colour is a blend of inspiration and personal preference. By considering factors such as lighting, mood, and room requirements you can curate a space that not only looks beautiful but also feels like home.

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