18 Jan 2024

The Countdown To Moving Home

The Countdown To Moving Home

Moving into a new home is an exciting chapter, yet the preparations can feel overwhelming. With the big day swiftly approaching, the seemingly infinite to-do list isn’t giving up and you may feel there's a chance you could overlook something important. We have compiled a comprehensive guide to ensure you are fully prepared to move into your new home. Let’s dive in:

The countdown commences

You’ve had an offer accepted on your next home and the weeks are quickly dwindling, it's essential to zero in on the crucial tasks awaiting you in the lead-up to the big move. Let's unravel the key elements you should focus on during these pivotal couple of weeks.

When it comes to packing, there's no such thing as starting too early. Kick off the process by tackling items like out-of-season clothes hiding under the bed, that cherished dining set reserved for special occasions, and any spare bedding. Conquering non-essential items early on will undoubtedly ease the last-minute packing frenzy.

In the midst of early packing, don't let your freezer slip off the radar. Capitalise on the weeks leading up to the move to use up any remaining food. This proactive approach not only helps minimise waste but also ensures a fresh start in your new home.

Transitioning smoothly

An important element of the moving process involves updating or cancelling energy and utility service providers. This transition offers an ideal chance to survey the market and lock in the best deal for your new living space. Don't overlook the opportunity to reach out to your energy supplier, especially if you're in credit; you might be in for a refund!

The seemingly endless task of updating addresses is a vital chore, however, we've curated a list to cover the majority of changes including; notifying HMRC, updating DVLA records, alerting the local council, informing your employer, and reaching out to your banks. Don't forget the smaller details like updating your TV license, home insurance, and ensuring your name is on the electoral roll. For those with children, a check-in with new schools is essential. Plus, update your details on online shopping platforms, streaming subscriptions, and any supermarket accounts you may have.

Preparing for the new chapter

As the final weeks unfold and the excitement of your impending move builds, it's time to shift your focus towards the aspects that will set the tone for your life in the new home. Prioritise your well-being by enrolling in new healthcare services for essential appointments, such as doctors, dentists, opticians, and vets. By proactively establishing these connections, you lay the foundation for a well-supported lifestyle in your new neighbourhood.

In the midst of the whirlwind of preparations, the countdown to moving into your new home is an exhilarating journey. We hope this guide serves as a roadmap to ensure you're not just moving but embracing a new chapter with confidence. As the boxes are packed and the address is updated, the anticipation for your fresh start grows. Here's to the exciting adventure that awaits in your new home.


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